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A Year Of Date Nights

I got this jar of date night ideas for my husband. We love spending time together and most of the time after we put the kids down for bed we just put on a show or binge watch something. Well I came across this jar at Walmart and thought, how cute. Let me just say I think I bought this for myself because he could care less about things like this but it is fun to pick a new card and do something different.

My husband is a pilot and travels a good bit so it is nice to do things with him when he is home, other than just watching t.v. and cleaning up the kitchen together after dinner.

Some of the cards that we have done are, draw each other, tell your best childhood memory (and if your anything like my husband and I one memory is not enough), go for a bike ride, have dessert and feed each other, massage each other, go get donuts and fun stuff like that. Most of the cards are free things you can do at home but some are going out.

We live in Texas far away from all of our family so, alone dates are few and far between so we have to be a little creative. We try to find restaurants that have a playground so our boys can play and we can have a meal together. Or we will put the kids to bed a little early so we can have a quiet meal (plus sitting down and eating without having to get up 100 trillion times is amazing!).

Having kids is one of the best things in the world but having alone time with your spouse is also one of the best things in the world. I truly believe in order to have a good and sucssesful marriage you have to put your spouse first and kids second. I know a lot of couples do not believe that but that is how my husband and I feel. Don't get me wrong we have to work at it because our kids are always needing us because of their ages but we always have each others back and if one of us says something then that is what goes.

I promise you will be happier and your relationship will show it if you are a team with your spouse and not with your kids.

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