Meet our family

We are the Martin family, we live in a small town west of San Antonio, Texas. We recently moved here from Georgia. My husband and I are both from Georgia but have moved all over due to his job. So basically we are gypsies with two little humans fallowing us around.
My husband, Forrest is a pilot and he is living the American dream (getting paid to do what he loves). We are so happy and proud of him. Day in and day out he wakes up at crazy hours to get to where he needs to go and some days only eats one time because he can't find the time for a meal. His drive to keep going after all the hard times in life and his career amazes me. We love you sugar booger..
Our oldest son Kaden just turned 6 years old and started kindergarten. Half of the time I am like how can my baby be in kindergarten and the other half of the time I'm like YES!!! he's in school. He just got done with his first organized sport (soccer).
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He did so well. Although he was the only child in the fetal position at try outs. He is getting ready to start baseball this week. So we will see how he does. He did so good at try outs and he is so happy he is on one of his best friends team. (Blog to come soon about that)
Our other sons name is Korben, he just turned 3 years old a few months ago. He is the best little cuddler but he is our hand full child, strong willed some would say. We say he is a good birth control. He is a boy boy and loves showing it. He wants everything his way or its the highway. We call him our little sour patch child. He is as mean as they come and just when you think, can I return him he runs up to you with that sweet little face, saying sorry with a huge hug and kiss and those three little words, I love you. He is definitely worth the pain in our butts.
And last is me, you know because mommies make sure everyone else is taken care of before they can take care of themselves. I am the Hot Mess Moma, I am a wild crazy mommy who loves life. I am blessed to stay at home with my babies. Seeing them grow up is a blessing in it's self. I love nice things but I'm the farthest thing from high maintenance. I love shopping, mostly at Target and I love doing anything DIY. I am very crafty, so crafty I make babies haha love that saying.
I wish I could say because I'm a stay at home mom our house is never dirty and the laundry is always done and that I cook because my husband works so hard but the reality is...... I'm lazy, just kidding, kinda, maybe a little, okay maybe a lot, okay its settled, I'm lazy. I love playing with my kids and shopping online and sometimes doing chores is just boring. Oh and my shows, I mean like why have DVR if your not going to use it. So that takes away cleaning at night while the kids are sleeping. I normally wait to hear from my husband to tell me he's on his way home and then I run around like a crazy person just throwing everything under something.
Well that sums us up. Until next time, bye y'all..